Tragic Outbreak in Tanzania

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9 Dead, 78 Hospitalized After Consuming Sea Turtle Meat

Authorities in Zanzibar, Tanzania, have reported a devastating incident on Pemba Island, resulting in nine fatalities and 78 hospitalizations after consuming sea turtle meat.

This tragic event highlights the risks associated with consuming this local delicacy, known to carry the threat of chelonitoxism, a severe form of food poisoning.

Sea turtle meat, while considered a delicacy among the residents of Zanzibar, has once again proven to be a deadly meal. Chelonitoxism, the type of food poisoning implicated in this incident, is caused by toxins present in sea turtles.

Laboratory tests confirmed that all victims had ingested sea turtle meat, underscoring the direct link between the consumption of this meat and the outbreak of chelonitoxism.

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