Global Report on Food Crises is a wake-up call

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The FAO has recently released the “Global Report on Food Crises”.

The report serves as a crucial reminder of the need to prioritize agricultural aid, particularly in emergency situations, as emphasized by QU Dongyu, the Director-General of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The report reveals that food crises are lasting longer than ever before and warns of the risk of undoing significant development achievements as food insecurity and malnutrition become commonplace in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2023, 282 million people across 59 countries and territories required immediate intervention to close the food consumption gap, and 36 million people were in a state of emergency.

Worryingly, these same 36 countries have been featured in this report continuously for the past eight years, illustrating the challenge of rectifying food insecurity once it reaches critical levels.

The Director-General of FAO highlighted this to underscore the need for increased agricultural assistance, even though it is typically viewed as a slower method, particularly in times of crisis.

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