Outbreak Investigation of E. coli O157:H7: Bulk Organic Walnuts

Published Date


The FDA and CDC, in collaboration with state and local partners, are investigating illnesses in a multistate outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 infections linked to organic walnuts from Gibson Farms, Inc. of Hollister, California.

State and local public health officials have interviewed people about the foods they ate in the week before they became ill. Of the 10 people interviewed, all 10 (100%) reported eating walnuts, and almost all reported buying organic walnuts from bulk bins in food co-ops or natural food stores.

FDA’s traceback investigation identified Gibson Farms, Inc. as the common supplier of walnuts in this outbreak.

Investigations are ongoing. If you use walnuts in your business make sure to go back and review your current raw material risk assessments to see if you identified E. coli as a potential microbiological hazard.

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