Parasites in farmed fish

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The EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ) recently published a scientific opinion on the prevalence of parasites in farmed fish. The EFSA Journal noted that many of the most commonly farmed and consumed fish in the EU/EFTA show no evidence of parasites that can infect humans.

These include Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, gilthead seabream, turbot, meagre, Atlantic halibut, carp, and European catfish.

However, parasites like Anisakis and others were found in European seabass, Atlantic bluefin tuna, cod, and/or tench produced in open offshore cages or flow-through ponds.

EFSA’s experts concluded that more data is needed to estimate the prevalence of specific parasites in selected fish species, farming systems, and production areas within the EU/EFTA region. This would provide a comprehensive picture of the various combinations of main farmed fish species and relevant parasites.

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