UK Salmonella infection data released

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The UK Health department has recently released updated data on reported Salmonella cases in England. The data shows that the number of reported Salmonella cases in England returned to pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels, increasing from 5,033 cases in 2021 to 8,125 cases in 2022.

Interestingly, the age group with the highest number of laboratory reports was children below the age of 10. August was the peak month for Salmonella reporting in 2022.

The most common non–typhoidal Salmonella serovars reported in 2022 was Enteritidis followed by Typhimurium. Of the eleven outbreaks reported to national surveillance in 2022, multiple food sources were identified. These included:

  • fresh coriander leaves
  • kebab meat
  • chicken
  • cucumbers
  • raw drinking milk
  • chocolate products
  • meat products

The largest outbreak, which was due to Chocolate products, saw 133 people infected with Salmonella Typhimurium. Twenty-six (26) people were hospitalised.

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