Who doesn’t love a good avocado

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As an avocado lover, I was interested to read that Mexico’s avocado sector has flourished over the past five years. The production has surged by almost 75 percent between 2014 and 2023, making Mexico the leading global producer of my favourite fruit. It’s interesting to know that Mexico’s exports of avocados reached 1.4 MMT in 2023, which signals a 17 percent increase from the previous year.

However, not everything is smooth sailing. The average fruit size decreased in 2023 due to climatic conditions, like higher temperatures and droughts, especially in northern Michoacán. This situation may affect the overall quality of the avocados we consume. Moreover, the appreciation of the Mexican peso against the U.S. dollar has led to a 12 percent drop in the value of avocado exports.

The United States is the primary recipient of Mexico’s avocado exports, accounting for 81 percent of them. It’s also interesting to see other countries like Canada, Japan, and Spain enjoying these fruits. However, this also means that Peru has become a significant competitor for Mexico in the international avocado market, particularly in supplying the European market.

The information about the avocado market is crucial for food businesses when assessing raw material risks. They should be aware of the potential for food fraud, including the misrepresentation of avocado origin or quality. Businesses must ensure they source from reputable suppliers to guarantee safety and quality for their customers.

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